
Chapters in books

(forthcoming) Kemsies, Ronald; Hellmayr, Georg. 2023. “Content and Language Integrated Learning and Good Language Education Programs”. In: Language Education Programs. Berlin (et al.): Springer.



Kemsies, Ronald. 2022. “Peer Assessment bei der Planung einer Unterrichtssequenz”. In: Lehren, Lernen, Leistungsfeststellung – digital ermöglichen

Kemsies, Ronald. 2020. “Add and stir gently…”. Languages Today 3, 22-23.

Kemsies, Ronald; Hellmayr, Georg. 2019. “Real language in primary CLIL: insights from corpus linguistics”. In: Pattison, Tania (ed.). IATEFL 2019 Liverpool Conference Selections. Faversham: IATEFL, 162-164.

Kemsies, Ronald. 2016. “Frame-based instruction: Teaching polysemous nouns in the L2”. Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 4(1), 171-192.

Kemsies, Ronald; Dokalik-Jonak, Elisabeth. 2015. “The role of context in the TPRS classroom”. VENUE: Linköping University.

Kemsies, Ronald; Strasser, Thomas. 2014. “Heavy clouds, but no rain! Cloud trifft Schulserver”. L.A. Media.

Kemsies, Ronald; Oszwald, Robert. 2011. “New demands on the ELT horizon”. ELT News 65, 5-6.

Kemsies, Ronald. 2006. “A cognitive linguistic view of the ‘conceptual glorification’ of 9/11”. VIEWS 2(15), 36-57.


Work as an educational consultant

Abrams, James; Hadgraft, Jane. 2013. English in Context 7/8. Linz: Veritas Bildungsverlag.

Abrams, James; Williams, Steve. 2013. English in Context 6. Linz: Veritas Bildungsverlag.

Abrams, James; Williams, Steve. 2013. English in Context 5. Linz: Veritas Bildungsverlag.


Resource books

Kemsies, Ronald; Oszwald, Robert. 2012. Kompetenzorientiertes Prüfen leicht gemacht. Linz: Veritas Bildungsverlag.